Learning about Teenage Acne
By Joanna Storey, MD 1. Acne is not caused by bad hygiene. Many parents express to me concerns that their teens are not good about washing their faces regularly. Although using the right cleanser can play a part in acne management, acne is caused principally by...
Migraine Headaches in Children
By Joanna Storey, MD Unfortunately, headaches are common in kids. And migraines can plague children and teens as well adults. Sorting out the cause of a pediatric headache can be tricky, but a few features help distinguish migraines from other types of headaches. 1....
Talk with Your Teen About E-cigarettes: A Tip Sheet for Parents
"BEFORE THE TALK Know the facts. • Get credible information about e-cigarettes and young people at E-cigarettes.SurgeonGeneral.gov. Be patient and ready to listen. • Avoid criticism and encourage an open dialogue. • Remember,...
Springtime Fun: Mind-Stimulating Activities for Children in Mississippi
As the flowers bloom and the temperatures rise, springtime in Mississippi offers a plethora of opportunities for children to engage in enriching and mind-stimulating activities. From exploring nature to embracing creativity, here are some delightful options to keep...
How to Talk to Your Children about Drugs
As parents, one of our most important responsibilities is to guide our children through life’s challenges, and that includes discussing difficult topics such as drugs. In this blog, we’ll provide you with some comprehensive tips on how to approach this sensitive...
Which Flu Vaccine Should Children Get?
Source: www.healthychildren.org Influenza viruses change yearly. All children age 6 months and older need a flu shot every year. Children should get their influenza vaccine when the shots become available, especially if they need two shots this season. That way they...
Why Your Child Needs a Pediatric Primary Care Doctor
Why Your Child Needs a Pediatric Primary Care Doctor As a parent, you’re always doing your best to care for your children in any way possible. When it comes to their long-term health, finding a pediatric primary care doctor your child feels comfortable around and is...
How to Keep Kids Safe and Cool on Hot Mississippi Days
How to Keep Kids safe and cool on hot MISSISSIPPI DAYS As the heat reaches its peak, it’s important to look out for your little ones as they can easily get overheated. Here are some of our helpful tips to keep you and your family enjoying the last bit of this hot...
Healthy Back-to-School Tips to Keep Your Kids Smiling All Year
Healthy Back-to-School Tips to Keep Your Kids Smiling All Year As summer draws to a close, it's time for children to prepare for another exciting school year of learning, reconnecting with friends, and developing new skills. Let’s explore some simple steps you can...
How to Remove a Tick
Source: www.healthychildren.org If you see a small brown bug attached to your child's skin, it may be a tick. A wood tick (dog tick) is the size of an apple seed. A deer tick is the size of a poppy seed or pinhead. After feeding on blood, ticks can swell to triple...