Choosing Safe Toys

Choosing Safe Toys

Toys are a fun and important part of every child's development. But each year, many kids are treated in hospital emergency departments for toy-related injuries. Choking is a risk for kids ages 3 or younger, because they tend to put objects in their mouths....

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How long does the flu last?

How long does the flu last?

The best treatment is to take steps to prevent illness. Few common illnesses are more unpleasant than the flu. The aches and pains, chills, fever, and cough are bad enough; add in the other potential symptoms of flu, including runny nose, vomiting, diarrhea,...

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Diabetes is becoming more common in young people. According to the CDC, diagnosed cases of type 1 and type 2 diabetes are surging among youth in the United States. From 2001 to 2017, the number of people under age 20 living with type 1 diabetes increased by 45%, and...

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What Is a Tongue Tie?

What Is a Tongue Tie?

M. Elise Graham, MD A tongue tie is a band of tissue underneath the tongue that may make it difficult for the tongue to move. However, every person has a band under the tongue that can be seen or felt and it does not always cause problems. Tongue ties may make it...

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